- In a patient with multiple injuries, stabilize the patient (e.g., airway, breathing, and circulation, and life-threatening injuries) before dealing with any fractures.
- When examining patients with a fracture, assess neurovascular status and examine the joint above and below the injury.
- In patients with suspected fractures that are prone to have normal X-ray findings (e.g., scaphoid fractures in wrist injuries, elbow fracture, growth plate fracture in children, stress fractures), manage according to your clinical suspicion, even if X-rays are normal.
- In assessing elderly patients with an acute change in mobility (i.e., those who can no longer walk) and equivocal X-ray findings (e.g., no obvious fracture), investigate appropriately (e.g., with bone scans, computed tomography) before excluding a fracture.
- Identify and manage limb injuries that require urgent immobilization and/or reduction in a timely manner.
- In assessing patients with suspected fractures, provide analgesia that is timely (i.e., before X-rays) and adequate (e.g., narcotic) analgesia.
- In patients presenting with a fracture, look for and diagnose high-risk complications (e.g., an open fracture, unstable cervical spine, compartment syndrome).
- Use clinical decision rules (e.g., Ottawa ankle rules, C-spine rules, and knee rules) to guide the use of X-ray examinations.
Note: These key features do not include technical and or psychomotor skills such as casting, reduction of dislocations, etc. See Procedural Skills.
General Approach
General Approach
- ABC + C-spine, vitals
- Rule-out life-threatening injury (ATLS)
- Rule-out life-threatening fractures
- Pelvic fracture
- Suspect if tenderness of instability on palpation of ASIS, ecchymosis of pelvis/perineum, blood from urethral meatus
- Consider pelvic binder/tourniquet
- Long bone fractures (eg. femur)
- Grossly reduce/splint long bone fractures
- Pelvic fracture
- Rule-out limb-threatening injury - urgent orthopedic consultation (VONCHOP)
- Vascular compromise
- Open fracture
- Neuro compromise (Cauda equina syndrome) or potential neuro compromise (unstable C-spine fracture)
- Compartment syndrome
- Hip dislocation
- Osteomyelitis / Septic arthritis
- Unstable Pelvic fracture
- Rule-out abuse (in atypical, pediatrics, elderly)
Assessment of fracture
Assessment of fracture
- Age, gender, mechanism
- Assess joint above/below (deformities, open wounds, ROM, neurovasc)
- Integrity of skin (closed/open)
- Location (epiphyseal = end, metaphyseal = flared portion, diaphyseal = shaft)
- Growth Plate
- 1- Same = Transverse through growth plate
- 2 - Above = Through metaphysis
- 3 - Low = Through epiphysis
- 4 - Through = Both metaphysis/epiphysis
- 5 - Ram = Crush injury
- Growth Plate
- Orientation (eg. Transverse, oblique, comminuted, intra-articular)
- Alignment (displacement, distracted angulation, translation, rotation)
- Analgesia prior to imaging
- Common occult fractures (negative initial imaging)
- Scaphoid fractures (see below)
- Distal radius, femur neck fracture, radial head fracture, supracondylar fracture, growth plate fracture in children
- Common occult fractures (negative initial imaging)
- Analgesia
- Open reduction (Surgery)
- Open fracture (irrigate/clean/debride wound)
- Displaced / Non-union
- Intraarticular (Salter-Harris 3,4,5)
- Polytrauma / Comminuted
- Spiral/Oblique (Easily to be displaced)
- Closed reduction
- Local nerve block, hematoma block, procedural sedation
- Three-way slab splint if significant swelling or cast (ensure joint immoblized)
- Post-reduction X-ray
- Antibiotics and Tetanus as needed
- Consider early re-imaging
- Ensure adequate follow-up
- Acute
- Arterial injury / Avascular necrosis
- Nerve injury
- Compartment syndrome
- Thromboembolic disease / Fat embolism
- Infection / Open fracture
- Fracture blisters
- Non-acute
- Osteomyelitis
- Nonunion / Malunion
- Osteoarthritis / Post-traumatic arthritis
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Scaphoid Fracture
Scaphoid Fracture
- Most commonly from FOOSH (scaphoid compressed between radius and second metacarpal)
- Limited blood supply easily interrupted by fractures
- Complications:
- Avascular necrosis (especially in proximal fractures)
- Nonunion
- Osteoarthritis
- Complications:
- Tests (sensitive to specific)
- Radial deviation of wrist (scaphoid compressed between radius and second metacarpal)
- Scaphoid compression test (axial loading/telescope thumb into wrist, to compress scaphoid between radius and first metacarpal)
- Ulnar deviation with Snuffbox tenderness (use pinky to be more precise)
- Wrist extension and tenderness on volar-side scaphoid tubercle (only will be positive in proximal injuries)
- Watson's Test (extend wrist and then radial/ulnar deviate while pushing on volar-side of scaphoid looking for pain/click)
- Rule out scapholunate dissociation (ligament injury that should be treated like scaphoid fracture)
- Investigation
- X-Ray wrist (PA, lateral, oblique, scaphoid view - wrist in pronation/ulnar deviation)
- Widened space (>3mm) between scaphoid and lunate = Scapholunate dissociation
- If negative X-ray but clinical findings suspicious for scaphoid fracture, consider
- MRI, CT, bone scan within 72h, or repeat X-ray in 7-10 days
- X-Ray wrist (PA, lateral, oblique, scaphoid view - wrist in pronation/ulnar deviation)
- Treatment
- Nondisplaced distal pole
- Thumb spica splint and re-image q2w until union (typically 6-10w)
- Consider above-elbow in proximal third fractures
- Thumb spica splint and re-image q2w until union (typically 6-10w)
- Displaced 1mm, proximal pole, delayed presentation (>3w), scapholunate dissociation, carpal instability, non-union/osteonecrosis on follow-up
- Urgent surgical consultation (several days)
- Nondisplaced distal pole
Perilunate injuries
Perilunate injuries
- FOOSH, 25% median nerve/carpal tunnel symptoms
- Range
- Scapholunate dissociation
- >3mm gap on AP x-ray between scaphoid and lunate
- Perilunate dislocation (capitate dislocated from lunate fossa)
- Closed reduction with fingertraps
- Lunate dislocation (volar dislocation of lunate out of seat of capitate)
- Spilled teacup sign on X-ray
- Scapholunate dissociation
Distal Radius Ulnar Joint (DRUJ) Injury
Distal Radius Ulnar Joint (DRUJ) Injury
- After a FOOSH, pain over distal ulna is DRUJ injury until proven otherwise
- Consider looking for DRUJ injury when diagnosing distal radius fracture
- Physical exam
- Piano Key sign (ballot ulnar styloid)
- Crepitus in pronation/supination
- Ulnar fovea sign (point tenderness over ulnar capsule)
- X-rays usually not revealing, may need CT
- AP wrist
- Widening distal ulna/radius >2mm
- Lateral wrist
- Dorsal displacement (in most DRUJ dislocations)
- Reduce and above-elbow splint in forearm supination
- Dorsal displacement (in most DRUJ dislocations)
- AP wrist
Posterior Shoulder Dislocation
Posterior Shoulder Dislocation
- Pathognomonic for seizure (or electric shock, high-energy mechanism)
- Suspect
- Arm held in internal rotation
- Mechanical block to external rotation (Reverse Hill Sachs deformity)
- X-ray
- "Light bulb" sign on AP, order axillary view if AP not revealing
- Management
- Reduction if <50% humerus involved and if dislocation <6w
Lisfranc injury
Lisfranc injury
- Plantar flexion
- Physical exam
- Ecchymosis on plantar aspect
- X-rays
- Widening between metatarsal bases (>2mm = urgent surgical intervention)
- Fleck sign (avulsion) at second metatarsal base
- Consider additional imaging
- 30-degree oblique X-ray
- Weight-bearing views (following ankle nerve block)
- CT foot
- Management
- Posterior back slab, non weight-bearing
- Follow-up orthopedics
Calcaneal fracture
Calcaneal fracture
- Suspect in fall from height (Calcaneus, ankle, pelvic, spinal)
- Harris view X-ray - look for Bohler's Angle <20%
- Consider Ortho
- Suspect: Toe-walking, Squeeze Test, External Rotation Test
- X-ray findings
- Decreased tibio-fibular overlap - Normal >6mm overlap AP, >1mm mortise
- Increased medial clear space - Normally <4mm
- Increased tibiofibular clear space - Normally <5mm
Knee Dislocation
Knee Dislocation
- High-energy trauma, 50% reduced before arrival to ED, 33% neurovascular injuries
- Consider CT angiogram in suspected knee dislocations (3+ ligament laxity)
Quadriceps Tear
Quadriceps Tear
- Suspect in acute pain, inability to actively extend knee, suprapatellar gap
- Management
- Immobilize (Zimmer splint) and ortho follow-up
Pelvic Apophyseal Avulsion fractures
Pelvic Apophyseal Avulsion fractures
- Young <25yo, with hip/buttock/groin pain usually after running, jumping, kicking
- Management
- Non-weight-bearing (crutches) then weaning as tolerated
Hip Fracture
Hip Fracture
- Exam
- Percussion test (stethoscope on pubic symphysis and percuss on patella each side)
- Groind tenderness
- Inability to SLR
- Painful hip movement
- Pain on axial loading
- If X-ray negative and high suspicion consider CT then MRI
Ottawa Ankle Rule
Ottawa Ankle Rule
Initially included non-pregnant patients >18yo with an injury <10d old, sensitivity of 100% for significant malleolar zone fractures and 98% for significant midfoot fractures.
Meta-analysis with 3,130 children aged 2-16 found a sensitivity of 98.5%
Ottawa Knee Rule
Ottawa Knee Rule
Initially included non-pregnant patients >18yo with an injury <7d old (sensitivity of 100% for fractures)
Study with 750 children aged 2-16 found a sensitivity of 100%
Canadian C-Spine Rule
Canadian C-Spine Rule
Validated with 8924 patients (16-64yo) found to be 100% sensitive for ruling out C-spine injuries