In any woman of menopausal age, screen for symptoms of menopause and (e.g., hot flashes, changes in libido, vaginal dryness, incontinence, and psychological changes).
In a patient with typical symptoms suggestive of menopause, make the diagnosis without ordering any tests. (This diagnosis is clinical and tests are not required.)
In a patient with atypical symptoms of menopause (e.g., weight loss, blood in stools), rule out serious pathology through the history and selective use of tests, before diagnosing menopause.
In a patient who presents with symptoms of menopause but whose test results may not support the diagnosis, do not eliminate the possibility of menopause solely because of these results.
When a patient has contraindications to hormone-replacement therapy (HRT), or chooses not to take HRT: Explore other therapeutic options and recommend some appropriate choices
In menopausal or perimenopausal women:
Specifically inquire about the use of natural or herbal products.
Advise about potential effects and dangers (i.e., benefits and problems) of natural or herbal products and interactions.
In a menopausal or perimenopausal women, provide counselling about preventive health measures (e.g., osteoporosis testing, mammography).
Establish by history a patient’s hormone-replacement therapy risk/benefit status.
General Overview
Irregular periods and VMS until menopause
>45yo and no period for 12 consecutive months and not using contraception
If no uterus, diagnose based on symptoms
Consider FSH <40-45yo
If elevated FSH on 2 blood samples 4-6w apart and <40yo, diagnose premature ovarian insufficiency
Symptoms of menopause
Vasomotor symptoms (VMS)
Hot flashes, sweats
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) - previously vulvovaginal atrophy
Urinary frequency/urgency/incontinence, dysuria
Vaginal dryness/burning/pruritus, post-coital bleeding, sexual dysfunction, dyspareunia
Mood, irritability
Sleep changes
Joint and muscle pain
Changes in periods
Symptoms of menopause
Hot flashes, sweats
Vaginal dryness/burning
Sexual concerns (desire, arousal, pain, or orgasm)
Bladder issues / incontinence
Healthy weight
Diet (low sodium, low sugars - increase vegetables/fibers)
Avoid VMS triggers (hot drinks, alcohol, caffeine)
Exercise >150mins moderate-vigorous per week
Routine Vitamin D +/- calcium
STOP Smoking, alcohol
Optimize sleep, relationship, mood
Assess for HTN/DM/DLP
Hormone replacement therapy first-line if <60yo or <10y past menopause (can be continued beyond 65yo in cases where risk>benefit)
Contraindicated in unexplained vaginal bleeding, pregnancy, history of breast cancer, coronary heart disease, a previous venous thromboembolic event or stroke, or active liver disease
Risks per 1000 women with five years of hormone use
Coronary heart disease (CHD) – 2.5 additional cases
Invasive breast cancer – 3 additional cases
Stroke – 2.5 additional cases
Pulmonary embolism – 3 additional cases
Colorectal cancer – 0.5 fewer cases
Endometrial cancer – no difference
Hip fracture – 1.5 fewer cases
All-cause mortality – 5 fewer events
Review at three months then annually (use up to 5y or longer)
Unscheduled vaginal bleeding may happen in first 3 months
Vaginal bleeding should be investigated to r/o endometrial cancer
May consider waiting for 6 months before endometrial biopsy
Offer choice of preparations
Transdermal combination estrogen and progestogen
Estalis: 50mcg Estradiol + 140mcg NETA (or 50mcg Estradiol + 250mcg NETA) twice weekly application
Oral combination estrogen and progestogen
Activelle: 1 mg estradiol + 0.5 mg norethindrone, one tablet daily
Activelle LD (low-dose): 0.5 mg estradiol + 0.1 mg norethindrone, one tablet daily
Angeliq: 1 mg estradiol + 1 mg drospirenone, one tablet daily
Tissue-selective estrogen complex
Duavive: 0.45 mg conjugated estrogen + 20 mg bazedoxifene, one tablet daily
Selective Tissue Estrogenic Activity Regular (STEAR)
Tibella: 2.5mg tibolone one tablet daily
If post-hysterectomy (no need for endometrial protection), estrogen only
Oral (Premarin, Estrace)
Transdermal (Estradot, Sandoz Estradiol Derm, Oesclim, Climara)
Transdermal gel (Estrogel, Divigel)
If comorbidities (Diabetes mellitus, HTN, smoking, obesity, DLP/CVD risk, gallstones), Transdermal preparation recommended
Consider off-label transdermal testosterone therapy for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone is not effective
Consider tissue-selective estrogen complexes (eg. Duavive) for breast/endometrial safety
Non-hormonal (Clonidine, Pregabalin, SSRI, SNRI) are second-line, if failed HRT or contraindicated
Water-based lubricants/moisturizer (equivalent to vaginal estrogen in a recent RCT)
Vaginal estrogen (even if on systemic HRT)
Estradiol 10mcg intravaginal tablet (Vagifem) daily x 2 weeks, then twice per week
Estradiol 2mg intravaginal ring (Estring) in place for 90 days
Estradiol 0.1mg/g cream (Estrace) 2-4g daily x 1-2w, then half dose 1-2 weeks, then maintenance dose of 1g 1-3x/week
Conjugated estrogens 0.625mg/g cream (Premarin), dose 0.5-2g cream twice weekly (or cyclic 21 days on, 7 days off)
CBT for mood and anxiety
Limited evidence (efficacy and safety) for complementary and alternative medicine
NAMS 2017.
CFP 2017.
NICE 2015.
SOGC 2014.
Santen Richard J, Stuenkel Cynthia A, Burger Henry G, and Manson JoAnn E. Competency in menopause management: whither goest the internist? J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 Apr;23(4):281-5.
Canadian Menopause Society. Menopause Pocket Guide - 2023 revised.