In patients with early, non-specific signs of cognitive impairment:
Suspect dementia as a diagnosis.
Use validated tests of cognitive function (eg. MMSE, MoCA) and careful functional inquiry, as well as a careful history (including collateral history from family and caregivers if available) and physical examination, to make an early positive diagnosis.
In patients with obvious cognitive impairment,
Select proper laboratory investigations and neuroimaging techniques to complement the history and physical findings and to distinguish between dementia, delirium, and depression
Consider possible contributing causes, including mental health, alcohol or substance use problems, or delirium
In patients with dementia, distinguish Alzheimer’s disease from other dementias, as treatment and prognosis differ.
In patients with dementia who exhibit worsening function, look for other diagnoses (i.e., don’t assume the dementia is worsening). These diagnoses may include depression, infection, concurrent medical illness, substance use, etc.
When disclosing the diagnosis of dementia,
Do so compassionately
Respect the patient’s right to autonomy, confidentiality, and safety
In patients with dementia, assess competency to involve them in decision making, as appropriate to the situation
In following patients diagnosed with dementia:
Assess function and cognitive impairment on an ongoing basis.
Assist with and plan for appropriate interventions (e.g., deal with medication issues, behavioural disturbance management, safety issues, caregiver issues, comprehensive care plans, advanced care planning, driving safety, placement) in the context of disease progression
Manage comorbidities, including mental health problems based on the goals of care
Review pharmacotherapy (e.g. side effects, drug interaction, polypharmacy)
Assess the needs of and supports for caregivers of patients with dementia.
Report patients with dementia to the appropriate authorities if you suspect they should not be driving.
In patients with early-onset dementia, consider genetic testing
Definition of Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia)
Evidence of significant cognitive decline in one or more cognitive domains
Executive function
Complex attention
Social cognition
Impairs function
ADLs (dressing, eating/self-feeding, ambulating/transferring, toileting, hygiene/grooming, bath/shower)
IADLs (shopping, housework, accounting/finances, food prep, telephone, transportation, taking meds)
Not better explained by other disorder
DDx Memory Loss
Major Neurocognitive Disorder (previously Dementia)
Alzheimer (most common 50%)
Gradual onset, normal CNS, initial and most prominent deficit = amnestic (associated with impairment in learning and recall of recently learned information)
Mixed Alzheimer and vascular (20%)
Vascular (15%)
Abrupt, stepwise, cardiovascular risks (HTN, DLP), dysexecutive syndrome, focal neurological features
Lewy Body (5%)
Core features: Fluctuating cognition, detailed visual hallucinations, REM sleep behaviour disorder, Parkinsonism (bradykinesia, rest tremor, rigidity)
Other suggestive: Severe neuroleptic sensitivity (irreversible parkinsonism, impaired consciousness), postural instability, falls, syncope, autonomic dysfunction, hypersomnia, hyposmia, delusions, apathy, anxiety, depression
Frontotemporal (1%)
Behavioural problems (disinhibition, loss of social awareness), language impairment
Parkinson disease with dementia
Impaired executive dysfunction and visuospatial function
Differentiate from Lewy Body as parkinsonism is present >1y prior to dementia (whereas in DLB dementia occurs before or at the same time as the parkinsonian signs)
Other: Progressive supranuclear palsy (vertical supranuclear gaze palsy and postural instability), Huntington disease
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
Decline reported by patient, informant or clinician with objective deficits in 1+ domains (typically memory)
Preserved independence in function
Follow q3-6 months, Alzheimer's 15% per year (2/3 will eventually convert to Alzheimer's)
Delirium (sudden onset, decreased concentration, may have visual/tactile hallucinations)
Drugs/Toxins (polypharmacy, opioids, cholinergic, benzodiazepine, alcohol)
Endocrine (Thyroid, B12)
Electrolytes (glucose, sodium)
Neurological - Seizures, stroke/TIA
Physical Exam
Neurological signs
Extra pyramidal symptoms
Parkinson (cogwheel rigidity, tremors)
Labs (low yield <1%)
CBC, TSH, electrolytes (Glucose, Cr, Ca), B12, Lipids
Neurosyphilis screen only if high clinical suspicion
Consider EKG prior to treatment
Avoid AchEI if LBBB, 2nd/3rd degree block, sick sinus, HR<50
CT head if
Abrupt, rapid decline
Focal neurological symptoms (headache, seizure, hemiparesis, babinski reflex)
Urinary incontinence, gait disorder (r/o normal pressurehydrocephalus)
Previous malignancy, trauma
Anticoagulants/Bleeding disorder or history of bleeding disorder
If presence of cerebrovascular disease would change management
Depression screen
Investigate symptomatic
Highly educated
Hopkins Verbal Learning test
Word List Acquisition test
MMSE <24 suggests dementia/delirium (1 in 10 false positive)
MoCA <26 (MCI 78%, AD 100%,1 in 4 false positive)
Clinical Dementia Rating (Lengthy)
Mini-Cog (Brief)
Clock drawing task and uncued recall of three unrelated words
Refer to Alzheimer society
Discuss will, power of attorney, personal directives
Safety issues (driving, stove, smoke detector, microwave)
Occupational Therapy
Hearing and vision screen
Social work / Homecare services
Healthy diet, smoking cessation
Exercise program
Eliminate medication (narcotics, anticholinergics, benzodiazepines)
Alternative therapy
Multisensory stimulation
Music/dance therapy
Animal‑assisted therapy
Massage/touch therapy
Outdoor activities
No pharmacotherapy for mild cognitive disorder
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors may be considered only in mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease (lower quality evidence in Lewy bodies, vascular, Parkinson), where
Healthcare professional has expertise in diagnosing and treating Alzheimer's Disease
Adequate support and supervision
Adequate adherence and monitoring of adverse effects, which generally requires the availability of a carer
Baseline structured cognitive and functional assessment
Follow up should be carried out on regular basis at least every 3 months
Taper slowly before stopping
May restart if decline shortly after stopping
May reduce all-cause mortality in patient with dementia
Pharmacotherapy by Dementia Type
AchEI, eg. Donepezil (Aricept) 5mg-10mg PO daily, Rivastigmine, Galantamine
Consider in mild to moderate (eg. MMSE 10-26)
Titrate q4 weeks
Discontinue when risks outweigh benefits (taper, and monitor 1-3 months, if declines can restart)
GI (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting)
Bradycardia, hypotension, dizziness, syncope
Insomnia / sleep disturbances
QT prolongation and torsades de pointes (EKG prior to treatment as above)
NMDA receptor antagonists (Memantine) in severe AD
SSRI (paroxetine) or trazodone
No evidence for AchEI
Manage HTN, DM, smoking
No evidence for AchEI
Lewy Bodies
Can consider AchEI (eg. Rivastigmine (Exelon) 1.5-6mg BID)
Avoid antipsychotics
Risk of NMS
Atypical depression
Trial of antidepressant, consider Citalopram (max 40mg po daily)
Parkinson's/Cerebrovascular disease
Can consider AchEI
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)
r/o medication side effects or interactions, treatable medical conditions such as sepsis or depression
Severe agitation/Violent behaviour
Correct underlying
Physical (pain, constipation, infection)
Environmental (set routines, sound/lights, position, daytime activity)
Psychiatric conditions (depression)
Review medications
Relaxation, social contact, sensory (eg. music/aromatherapy)
Increased services/care
Consider newer antipsychotics (less EPS), eg. Risperidone, Olanzapine, Seroquel
Caution as increased risk of death, CVA, EPS, falls, somnolence, weight gain, diabetes
Rapid progression
Frontotemporal, Lewy Body, Parkinson's Dementia
25% of the general population above 55yo have a first-degree relative with dementia
Lifetime risk of dementia is 20% in those with a family history compared to 10% in general population
Most cases not familial
Obtain a family history, look for mendelian pattern (eg. autosomal dominant)
Probability of genetic mutation in 2+ first-degree relatives
>65yo at onset is <1%
<65yo at onset is 15%
<60yo at onset is 86%
Suspect genetic cause if early onset and mendelian pattern
Driving Assessment
Risk of unsafe driving
Multiple motor vehicle accidents in past 5 years
Self-restricted driving or Family/caregiver concerns
Aggressive or impulsive behaviour
MMSE 24 or less
Evaluating Risk
Clinical Dementia Rating scale of 1 or more suggests unsafe driver
The Clinical Dementia Rating score equals the memory score unless the patient scores more or less than the memory score in three of the secondary categories.
On-road assessment by occupational therapy
Truong C, Recto C, Lafont C, Canoui-Poitrine F, Belmin JB, Lafuente-Lafuente C. Effect of Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Mortality in Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review of Randomized and Nonrandomized Trials. Neurology. 2022 Sep 12:10.1212/WNL.0000000000201161. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201161. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36096687.
Ann Intern Med 2019. Comparative Efficacy of Interventions for Aggressive and Agitated Behaviors in Dementia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis.
CMAJ 2015. Recommendations on screening for cognitive impairment in older adults.
CFP 2014.
NICE 2006 (updated 2016).