Heart Failure





Acute Management

💡 LMNOP (Lasix, Modify medications, Nitroglycerine, Oxygen, Position (upright) +/- Positive Pressure (BiPAP) 

Find and treat underlying cause/trigger

Discharge Goals

💡 For ambulatory patients (i.e., outpatients), an increase in BNP/NT-proBNP of > 30% from baseline warrants more frequent follow-up +/- intensification of HF therapy

Chronic Management

Lifestyle Management 

Pharmacologic Management 

💡 The classic “triple” therapy for HFrEF has recently expanded to “quadruple” therapy with the addition of SGLT2 Inhibitors in the updated CCS 2021 Guidelines.

💡 There is less evidence supporting the benefit of pharmacotherapy for patients with preserved EF (HFpEF). For patients with HFpEF consider SGLT2 and MRA as first-line therapies. 

Symptom Management

Additional therapies should be considered for patients with HFrEF and persistent NYHA II-IV symptoms, despite optimization of quadruple therapy:

Advance Care Planning

Last edited 2022-10-01

B. Paul, K. Chan
