Neck Pain
- In patients with non-traumatic neck pain, use a focused history, physical examination and appropriate investigations to distinguish serious, non-musculoskeletal causes (e.g., lymphoma, carotid dissection), including those referred to the neck (e.g., myocardial infarction, pseudotumour cerebri) from other non-serious causes.
- In patients with non-traumatic neck pain, distinguish by history and physical examination, those attributable to nerve or spinal cord compression from those due to other mechanical causes (e.g., muscular).
- Use a multi-modal (e.g., physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage) approach to treatment of patients with chronic neck pain (e.g., degenerative disc disease +/- soft neuro signs).
- In patients with neck pain following injury, distinguish by history and physical examination, those requiring an X-ray to rule out a fracture from those who do not require an X-ray (e.g., current guideline/C-spine rules).
- When reviewing neck X-rays of patients with traumatic neck pain, be sure all vertebrae are visualized adequately.
General Overview
General Overview
- Temporal
- Acute <6w
- Subacute 6w-6mo
- Chronic >6mo
- Origin
- Axial Neck Pain Syndromes
- Cervical strain
- Cervical spondylosis
- Cervical discogenic pain
- Cervical facet syndrome
- Whiplash injury
- Cervical myofascial pain
- Diffuse skeletal hyperostosis
- Extremity pain/neurological deficit
- Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
- Cervical radiculopathy
- Brachial plexus injury (eg. burner/stinger)
- Non-spinal
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Herpes Zoster
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Other (Malignancy, vascular, cardiovascular -MI, carotid/basilar artery dissection, infection, visceral, referred, rheumatologic, neurologic)
- Axial Neck Pain Syndromes
Red Flags
Red Flags
- Trauma
- Cancer or constitutional symptoms
- Infectious symptoms, Immunosuppression or IVDU (Epidural abscess, discitis)
- Neurological signs/symptoms (cord compression, demyelinating process)
- Severe ripping neck pain, unstable (carotid/vertebral dissection)
- Chest pain, SOB, diaphoresis (MI)
- History of rheumatoid arthritis (atlanto-axial disruption)
Physical Exam
Physical Exam
- Neck
- Observation - posture, symmetry, muscle bulk, scars
- ROM in all planes
- Palpation of cervical spine, r/o focal tenderness
- Palpation of trapezius and paraspinal muscles
- Lymphadenopathy
- Neurological examination of upper limbs (strength, sensory, reflex)
- C1, C2 - Neck flexion
- C3 - Neck lateral flexion
- C4 - Shoulder elevation (Trapezius)
- C5 - Shoulder abduction/external rotation, bicep reflex
- C6 - Biceps/brachioradialis reflex
- C7 - Triceps reflex
- C8 - Finger abduction, grip
- T1 - Hand intrinsics
- Provocative manoeuvres (not sensitive)
- Spurling (cervical root compression)
- Head flexed, ipsilaterally rotated and tilted, with axial loading
- Upper limb tension test (equivalent of straight leg raise for arm)
- Wrist supinated, shouder abducted, elbow extended, and neck lat flexion to contralateral side
- Manual neck distraction test
- Vertical traction on head - and pain relieved
- Spurling (cervical root compression)
- Examine shoulder
Clear C-spine Injury
Clear C-spine Injury
- Consider NEXUS criteria (caution using criteria in <2yo, and>65yo)
- Neuro deficit (focal)
- Spinal (midline) tenderness
- Altered LOC
- Intoxication
- Distracting injury
- There is some data showing that you may consider clearing C-spine even in distracting injury
- Consider Canadian C-Spine Rule in alert, stable trauma patients (excluded known spine disease/surgery, non-trauma, GCS<15, age <16 years - consider NEXUS)
- Can clear C-spine if no high risk factor:
- Age ≥ 65 years
- Extremity paresthesias
- Dangerous mechanism (Fall ≥3 ft/5 stairs, axial load to head [eg. diving], MVC >100km/h or rollover or ejection, motorized recreational vehicles, bicycle crash)
- One low risk factor present AND able to actively rotate neck 45° left and right:
- Sitting position in the ED
- Ambulatory at any time
- Delayed (not immediate onset) neck pain
- No mid-line tenderness
- Simple rear-end motor vehicle collision
- Can clear C-spine if no high risk factor:
- Blunt Trauma
- Lateral, AP, odontoid X-ray
- High risk mechanism
- Multiple system trauma with comorbid injuries to head, face, torso
- Conditions that predispose C-spine injury (Down syndrome)
- AMS (GCS 14)
- Neck pain, tenderness, deformity, limited ROM
- Flexion-extension X-ray
- Normal C-spine X-ray and no neuro deficit, continued pain/tenderness, and able to flex and extend neck
- CT C-spine
- Acute neuro deficit
- GCS 3-13
- Abnormal/suspicious C-spine X-ray
- MRI if abnormal neurological exam and if requires spinal cord imaging
- Lateral, AP, odontoid X-ray
- Consider initial five-view X-ray (odontoid, lateral, PA, and both oblique views) in non-traumatic neck pain if
- Age >50yo with new symptoms
- Constitutional symptoms
- History of malignancy
- Moderate-severe pain >6w
- Progressive neurological findings
- Infectious risk
- Not required in cervical radiculopathy (motor/sensory/reflex deficits) UNLESS (consider MRI)
- Trauma
- Persistent symptoms >4-6w of treatment
- Red flag (malignancy, myelopathy, abscess)
- MRI in all progressive neurological deficits, suspicion of infection/malignancy, or significant pain >6w
- Consider EMG if pain and dysesthesia in extremities
- Early return to usual activities
- Home exercises
- Soft collar not recommended (unless few days)
- Tylenol, NSAIDs, muscle relaxant for initial 4 days
- Second-line
- Manual Physiotherapy
- Consider multimodal (physiotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage) for chronic neck pain
- Augment pain control
- Tramadol
- TCA, Venlafaxine
- Manual Physiotherapy
- Refer Physiotherapy / Neurosurgery / Neurology
- European Spine Journal 2016.
- RACGP 2013.
- AAFP 2010.
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- AAFP 2016.
Pre-vertebral soft tissue
Pre-vertebral soft tissue
- Above C4 ≤ 1/3rd vertebral body width
- Below C4 ≤ 100% vertebral body width
Consider CT scan if abnormal swelling and no obvious fracture on X-ray