General Overview
General Overview
- Symptoms
- Renal colic, hematuria, abdominal/flank pain waves or paroxysms, nausea, urinary symmptoms
- Struvite with UTI, flank pain, urine pH<7
- Renal colic, hematuria, abdominal/flank pain waves or paroxysms, nausea, urinary symmptoms
- Stones
- Calcium (oxalate>phosphate) stones (80%), uric acid, struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate), cystine
- Risk
- History of prior nephrolithiasis (50% recurrence at 10y)
- Family history (2xRR)
- Hypertension (2xRR)
- Enhanced enteric oxalate absorption (gastric bypass, bariatric surgery, short bowel syndrome)
- Proteus/Klebsiella UTI for Struvite
- Complications
- Renal obstruction/damage (eg. Staghorn calculi)
- Do not miss pyelonephritis, diverticular abscess
Red Flags
Red Flags
- Concurrent UTI (risk of pyonephrosis, bacteremia)
- Single kidney
- Bilateral obstruction
- Premorbid renal failure or anuria
- Non-contrast CT scan (88% sensitivity)
- Ureteral dilatation or stranding without a stone likely recent passage of stone
- Ultrasound (54% sensitivity)
- First-line in pregnancy
- Other: KUB (abdominal plain film)
- UA + Urine culture
- Serum electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, HCO3, Ca, Creat)
- Stone analysis
Additional investigations for risk (<18yo, multiple or recurrent stones, non-calcium stones - uric acid or cystine, complication - AKI, sepsis, hospitalization)
- Albumin, uric acid, bicarbonate
- PTH if serum calcium is high normal or high
- Vitamin D if serum calcium low normal or elevated PTH
- 24h urine collection x2
- Volume, creatinine, Ca, Na, K, Oxalate, Citrate, uric acid, magnesium
- Cystine if suspect cystine stone (or if stone analysis cystine)
- Spot urine: pH, UA, Specific gravity
- Pain control: NSAID + Opioid
- Ketorolac 15mg IV or indomethacin 100mg PR + morphine 5mg IV
- Hydration (Target 2.5L daily urine output)
- Consider Tamsulosin 0.4mg PO daily (or nifedipine)
- Recent studies do not show a significant benefit
- Urology consultation
- Inpatient if urosepsis, acute kidney injury, anuria, N/V (unable to tolerate oral)
- Outpatient if >10mm (unlikely to pass)
- Strain urine to analyse stone
- Diet
- High in fiber, fruits, vegetables
- Calcium 1000-1200mg/day
- Calcium stone - aim for sodium intake of 1500mg (<2300mg daily)
- Avoid Vitamin C
- RACGP 2017. https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2017/september/urolithiasis/
- CUA. 2016 update. http://www.cua.org/themes/web/assets/files/cua_guideline_on_the_evaluation_and_medical_management_of_the_kidney_stone_patient.pdf
- European Association of Urology. Guidelines on Urolithiasis 2015. http://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/22-Urolithiasis_LR_full.pdf