Medical Education
- Orienting the learner to the teacher
- Who will be the primary supervisor?
- When is the teacher available? How to contact?
- How feedback will be provided?
- Orienting the teacher to the learner
- Learner level of training, prior experiences
- Objectives and expectations for the experience
- Modified Bloom's Taxonomy:
- Remember
- Understand
- Apply
- Analyze
- Evaluate
- Create
- Modified Bloom's Taxonomy:
- Orienting the learner to the setting
- Administrative, system, scheduling, areas
- Goals
- Needs
- Objectives
- Methods
- Evaluation
Reflective Judgement
Reflective Judgement
- Pre-reflective:
- Knowledge from direct, personal observation or from an authority
- All problems have a correct answer, no uncertainty
- Quasi-reflective
- Ill-structured problems exist
- Not sure how to deal with ambiguity
- Reflective
- Knowledge is constructed and can change
- Criteria for determining the best evidence
Reviewing Clinical Cases
Reviewing Clinical Cases
One-Minute Preceptor
One-Minute Preceptor
- Get a Commitment
- Probe for supporting evidence
- Teach General Rules
- Reinforce what was done right
- Correct mistakes
- Summarize the case including pertinent history, physical, lab, etc...
- Narrow differential/problem list to top 3
- Analyse the differential using evidence
- Probe the preceptor to clarify points that are unclear
- Plan for treatment, follow-up, consultation
- Select a learning point (not needed for every case)
Checking In
Checking In
- Decrease barriers to learning through a supportive and challenging learning environment
- Be aware, and address the Learner's emotions and thoughts
- Effective, meaningful feedback with opportunity for improvement
- Observation of student behaviour or work
- Prompt student for self-assessment
- Nonjudgmental (descriptive) and balanced (positives and negatives) feedback
- Based on observations, respectful climate, non-judgmental, focus on specifics, focus on behaviours (not personality), goal-based, thoughts/feelings elicted
- Ascertain that student understands the difference between current behaviour and desired behaviour
- Limit to 2-3 points
- Elaborate a plan and suggestions for improvement
- Follow-up on improvement
Role Modelling
Role Modelling
- Intentional Approach
- Demonstrating skill/behaviour
- Commenting on what was done
- Discussing what was done
- Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education by University of Michigan.