General Overview
General Overview
- Expectoration of blood from tracheobronchial tree, ranging from blood-streaked sputum to gross blood
- Severity
- Mild <50mL/24h
- Moderate 50-200mL/24h
- Massive >200mL/24h
- Cause
- Pulmonary Parenchyma
- Infectious
- Acute/Chronic Bronchitis - 50%
- Necrotizing pneumonia (Klebsiella = currant jelly sputum)
- Tuberculosis (most common worldwide)
- Fungal
- Parasitic
- Neoplasm - 20%
- Vasculitis
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)
- Goodpasture
- Behcet disease
- Asthma/COPD
- Trauma/Iatrogenic
- Infectious
- Vascular
- Pulmonary Embolism
- AV malformation
- Cardiac
- Mitral stenosis with pulmonary edema
- Coagulopathy
- r/o Pseudohemoptysis
- Upper airway (posterior epistaxis, oropharynx)
- Hematemesis (usually darker/brown blood, pH<7, N/V)
- Consider NG tube to rule out GI source
- Pulmonary Parenchyma
- Duration/Quantity
- Infectious (Fever, cough, sputum)
- Systemic (rash, hematuria, joint pain/swelling)
- Prior lung, renal, valvular disease
- Cigarette smoking
- Chemical/Asbestos exposure
- Travel history (TB, parastic, fungal)
- Aspirin, NSAID, Anticoagulants
- Previous episodes (AV malformation, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis)
Physical Exam
Physical Exam
- Vitals
- Respiratory distress
- Nasal septal perforation (Granulomatosis with polyangiitis)
- Aphthous Ulcers (Behcets)
- Lung/Heart auscultation
- Unilateral leg swelling (DVT/PE)
- Skin bruising, telangiectasia, purpura
- CBC, Coag, LFT, Electrolytes (renal function)
- UA (r/o Granulomatosis with polyangiitis)
- Consider
- D-dimer (or CT Angio r/o PE)
- Blood/sputum cultures
- If massive, consider Type and Cross-match
- If risk of malignancy, consider CT vs. Bronchoscopy
- ABC - Maintain airway and oxygenation
- Consider intubation, transfusion
- Consider 8.0 ETT allow for bronchoscopy and sunctioning
- Consider tranexamic acid 1.5g QID
- Consult
- Pulmonology (Bronchoscopy)
- Interventional Radiology (Bronchial artery embolization)
- Thoracic Surgery
- Consider intubation, transfusion
- Mild hemoptysis with negative CXR
- Consider treating for bronchitis (antibiotics if appropriate, eg. purulent sputum >10 days)
- Pulmonology consult for persistent hemoptysis r/o occult neoplasm
- If negative CXR, CT, Bronchoscopy = cryptogenic hemoptysis
- Can observe for three years
- AAFP 2015. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2015/0215/p243.html