Well-baby Care
Measure and chart growth parameters, including head circumference, at each assessment; examine appropriate systems at appropriate ages, with the use of an evidence-based pediatric flow sheet such as the Rourke Baby Record.
Modify the routine immunization schedule in those patients who require it (e.g., those who are immunocompromised, those who have allergies).
Anticipate and advise on breast-feeding issues (e.g., weaning, returning to work, sleep patterns) beyond the newborn period to promote breast-feeding for as long as it is desired.
At each assessment, provide parents with anticipatory advice on pertinent issues (e.g., feeding patterns, development, immunization, parenting tips, antipyretic dosing, safety issues).
Ask about family adjustment to the child (e.g., sibling interaction, changing roles of both parents, involvement of extended family).
With parents reluctant to vaccinate their children, address the following issues so that they can make an informed decision:
their understanding of vaccinations.
the consequences of not vaccinating (e.g., congenital rubella, death).
the safety of unvaccinated children (e.g., no Third World travel).
When recent innovations (e.g., new vaccines) and recommendations (e.g., infant feeding, circumcision) have conflicting, or lack defined, guidelines, discuss this information with parents in an unbiased way to help them arrive at an informed decision.
Even when children are growing and developing appropriately, evaluate their nutritional intake (e.g., type, quality, and quantity of foods) to prevent future problems (e.g., anemia, tooth decay), especially in at-risk populations (e.g., the socioeconomicaly disadvantaged, those with voluntarily restricted diets, those with cultural variations)
Routine Visits
Recommended at 1 week, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 4-5 years
Ask for risk factors, family history, pregnancy history, delivery history (resuscitation)
Address parental concerns
Physical Exam
Height, weight, head circumference (WHO Canadian Growth Chart)
Correct percentiles if born <37w until 2-3yo
Max 10% weight loss by 4-5d, regain birthweight by 2w
30g/d until 3 mo, 20g/day until 6 mo, 10g/day until 12 mo
Double BW by 4mo, triple BW by 1y
Fontanelles (Posterior closed by 2mo, anterior closed by 18mo)
Eyes (Red reflex, corneal light reflex, cover-uncover)
Hearing screen
Heart, lungs
Abdomen, umbilicus
Skin (Jaundice)
Muscle tone
Hip exam until walking
0-3 months: Ortolani, Barlow
>3 months: Limited hip abduction, Galeazzi
Refer if undescended (palpable, ectopic, nonpalpable) at 6 months
Consider earlier if ascended testis, bilateral nonpalpable, or associated hypospadias/ambiguous genitalia
Ultrasound not recommended as unhelpful
Retractile testis can be followed until puberty
Not routinely recommended
Penile cancer (NNT 900-322,000)
Phimosis (NNT 67)
UTI (NNT 111)
HPV (NNT 5), HIV (NNT 298), HSV (NNT 16)
Decrease cervical cancer and STI in partner
Surgery risks: Infection (NNH 67), bleeding (NNH 67)
Meatal stenosis (NNH 10-50)
Ethical concerns
Contraindicated: Hypospadias
Exclusive breastfeeding recommended for first 6 months and continued into second year of life
Breastfed babies should receive Vitamin D 400 units PO daily
Vitamin D 800 units daily if high risk (limited sun exposure, darker skin, obesity)
Express breast milk can refrigerate up to 3d and freeze up to 6mo
Warm milk by placing in warm water
Switch from formula to homogenized milk at 500-750 mL/day at 12 months
Discontinue bottle by 18 months
Transition to 1-2% milk (500mL/day) at 2-3 years
Introducing Food
No evidence to delay food beyond 6-12 months
Introduce foods one at a time q3d (monitor for reactions)
Avoid solid round smooth dry/sticky foods risk of choking
Avoid sugary food/drinks
No beets, carrots, spinach, turnips before 6 months (nitrates)
No honey in first year
Inquire about vegetarian diets
Iron-containing foods should be encouraged when introducing solids
Iron-fortified cereals and grain products
Consider screen at 6-12mo for anemia in at-risk (eg. low SES)
Safe Sleep
Safe crib (no soft objects/loose items, firm mattress)
On Back
Room sharing for <6 months
Pacifier if <6 months
Avoid bed sharing (consider bed box)
Avoid beyond 2 months
Car Seats
Rear-facing car seat
Infant must use rear-facing car seat
Use a larger seat once baby outgrows infant seat, and keep rear facing until at least 2 years of age or reaches the maximum weight or height limit of the rear-facing seat, as stated by the manufacturer
Forward-facing car seat with a 5-point harness
Once child outgrows larger rear-facing seat and is at least 2 years old, use 5-point harness seat until at least 18kg (40lbs) and can sit straight/tall without moving out of position or unbuckling (this may be 4-6 years old)
Booster seats with belt-positioning
When child has outgrown forward-facing car seat with a 5-point harness, use a booster seat until 145cm (4'9") tall and they safely fit in adult seat belt without slouching (for most children this is 9-12 years old)
Rear seat with adult seatbelt until 13 years old
Acetaminophen 10-15mg/kg/dose q4-6h
Ibuprofen 4-10mg/kg/dose q6-8h in >6mo
Avoid OTC medication (especially if using acetaminophen/ibuprofen)
Screen Use (Digital Media)
No screentime <2yo
Limit use and encourage meaningful content (educational, active , social)
Rourke Baby Record. http://www.rourkebabyrecord.ca/default
ABCdaire. https://enseignement.chusj.org/en/Formation-continue/ABCdaire
Circumcision 2015. https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/circumcision
Car Seat Safety 2020. https://caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/safety-and-injury-prevention/car_seat_safety
Nutrition 2017. https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/nutrition-healthy-term-infants-6-to-24-months
Screen use 2019. https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/digital-media
Screen time children 2017. https://www.cps.ca/en/documents/position/screen-time-and-young-children
Undescended testis.