Pediatric Fever
Fever without a source
Fever without a source
Most common sources
Most common sources
- Lungs
- Urine
- Abdomen
- Skin
- Tmax (rectal)
- Resp symptoms
- Rash
- Seizures
- Urine/stools
- Pain
- Exposures
- Perinatal
- Adjust age (chronologic age in weeks – [40 – gestational age in weeks])
- Mother GBS status
- Maternal fever/tachycardia/abdominal pain (chorioamnionitis)
- Mother HSV
- Birth weight/APGAR
- Post-partum course
- Immunocompromised (cancer, asplenia, HIV), history of infections/multiplications
- Vaccinations
- Perinatal
- Meds (antipyretics, antibiotics)
- Mother's medications if breastfeeding (may pass through breastmilk)
- Allergies
Physical Exam
- Alertness (AVPU)
- ABCs
- Airway patent/maintainable
- Breathing (RR, O2sat, WOB, auscultation)
- Circulation (BP, HR, cyanosis, cap refill, femoral pulses, distal pulses, auscultation)
- Temp rectal
- HEENT / hydration status
- Neuro
- Fontanelle
- Pupils
- Tone/Reflexes
- Abdominal
- Joints
- Ambulation (limp)
- Skin
Red Flags
- Cyanosis, poor peripheral circulation
- Petechial rash
- Inconsolability
- Parental and physician concern
Work-up <60d if no focal infection found
Work-up <60d if no focal infection found
- Urinalysis and Urine culture
- Blood culture
- Consider
- Procalcitonin
- LP (cell count, culture, Gram stain, protein, glucose, and viral studies)
- Optional in >1 month old and low risk (see below)
- Optional if suspect bronchiolitis OR absence of resp sx and >2 months
- Stool culture if diarrhea
- NPA for respiratory virus (influenza)
Low Risk Invasive Bacterial Infection (IBI)
Using previously described predictions rules (Step-by-Step and PECARN), may consider avoiding LP/antibiotics in well-appearing 29-60 day old with
- Rectal T<38.6 °C
- UA negative (neg LE/NI with <5WBC on hpf)
- Procalcitonin ≤0.5 ng/mL
- ANC <4000/microL
- CRP <20
Note: However these labs were rapidly available <60 minutes
Work up 61-90d if no focal infection found
Work up 61-90d if no focal infection found
- Healthy, vaccinated, well-appearing, low-risk
- UA
- If negative, close out-patient follow-up
- If positive, oral antibiotics with close outpatient follow-up
- UA
In >90d, rule out UTI
In >90d, rule out UTI
- <3 years old, if fever with unclear source
- >3 years old, consider testing if presence of dysuria, urinary frequency, hematuria, abdominal/back pain, daytime incontinence
- Empiric IV antibiotics and fluids
- <1 month
- Ampicillin (100-200mg/kg/d IV divided q6h) + Cefotaxime 50mg/kg IV q8h or Gentamycin 2.5mg/kg IV q8h or Tobramycin 6mg/kg IV q24h with dose adjustments
- >1month, urinary findings
- Cefotaxime 50mg/kg IV q8h
- 1-3 months
- Non-meningitic: Ceftriaxone 50mg/kg/day IV divided q12-24h
- Meningitis: Ceftriaxone 100mg/kg/day IV divided q12-24h
- Add ampicillin for Listeria or enterococcus concern
- Add vancomycin for MRSA if concern
- <1 month
- Consider empiric antivirals (acyclovir), especially if suspect HSV meningitis
- Antipyretic may help for prognostication and examination
- Ibuprofen 10mg/kg TID
- Acetaminophen 15mg/kg QID
Prolonged Fever
Prolonged Fever
- Rule out Kawasaki
- Fever ≥ 5 days (if any of the 4 below criteria present at any time during illness, diagnose on day 4 of illness)
- Conjunctivitis (bilateral nonexudative)
- Rash (polymorphic)
- Adenopathy (Cervical lymph node >1.5cm)
- Strawberry tongue (oral mucous membranes changes, also injected/fissured lips, injected pharynx)
- Hands and feet edema (acute)/desquamation (convalescent)
- Other useful findings: Redness/crust formation at BCG vaccination site (50% will have this)
- Consider labs (WBC, platelet, AST, ALT, CRP, ESR, Urinalysis for pyuria, consider viral testing for alternative diagnoses)
- Treat with ASA and IVIG to prevent coronary artery aneurysms
- NICE 2017.
- ACEP 2016.
- AAFP 2013.
- Pediatrics 2015. Step-by-Step Approach.
- JAMA Pediatrics 2019. PECARN rule.