Pulmonary Embolism
- Although the majority of PE originates in the proximal deep veins of the leg, only 25-50% will have clinically-evident DVT at time of PE diagnosis
- Provoking factors:
- Active malignancy
- Surgery (especially orthopedic)
- Hospitalization
- Air travel >8h
- Hormone use/pregnancy
- 50% unprovoked
- Symptoms
- Sudden onset dyspnea
- Pleuritic chest pain
- Syncope
- Signs
- Tachypnea, hypoxemia
- Tachycardia, hypotension, RV dysfunction (distended jugular veins)
- EKG (S1Q3T3)
- Signs and symptoms of DVT
Clinical Decision Rules
Clinical Decision Rules
- Determine pre-test probability with Wells' Criteria
- If low-pretest
- Rule-out with PERC rule (excluded active cancer, thrombophilia, betablocker use, leg amputations, morbid obesity where leg swelling not easily determined)
- Age ≥50
- HR ≥100
- SaO2 on RA <95%
- Unilateral leg swelling
- Hemoptysis
- Recent surgery (≤4w requiring GA) or trauma
- Prior PE or DVT
- Hormone use (OCP, hormone replacement)
- If low-pretest but cannot rule out with PERC, consider D-dimer
- Negative D-dimer rules out PE
- Positive D-dimer warrants further testing
- Rule-out with PERC rule (excluded active cancer, thrombophilia, betablocker use, leg amputations, morbid obesity where leg swelling not easily determined)
- If high pre-test
- CT PA directly
- V/Q in patients with normal CXR and no significant lung disease
- Consider in renal failure, contrast allergy, young patients with normal CXR, pregnant women
- If low-pretest
- Treat high pre-test while awaiting diagnostic imaging (unless high risk bleeding - eg, active bleeding or immediate postop)
- Treatment can be withheld for 4h for intermediate, and 24h for low pre-test probability
- Risk stratify with PESI model (outpatient vs. inpatient)
- Anticoagulation for three months
- DOAC preferred (or UFH if thrombolysis needed)
- Rivaroxaban 15mg BID x 21d then 20mg PO daily (can consider decrease to 10mg PO daily after 6 months based on EINSTEIN CHOICE study)
- Apixaban 10mg BID x 7d then 5mg PO BID (can consider decrease to 2.5mg PO BID after 6 months based on AMPLIFY Extend study)
- Consider IVC if cannot be anticoagulated due to risks
- DOAC preferred (or UFH if thrombolysis needed)
- Thrombosis Canada. http://thrombosiscanada.ca/clinicalguides/
- NEJM 2019. Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism with d-Dimer Adjusted to Clinical Probability. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31774957
- NEJM 2019. Pregnancy-Adapted YEARS Algorithm for Diagnosis of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30893534