Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
- Anemia
- Fatigue, palpitations, skin pallor
- Glossitis
- Neuropsych
- Symmetric peripheral neuropathy/paresthesias
- Ataxia/gait abnormalities
- Memory loss
- Personality changes
- Dementia
- Drugs (metformin, PPI, H2 blocker)
- Malnutrition
- Alcohol use disorder
- Dietary restrictions (low in meat and dairy products)
- Elderly
- Malabsorption
- Gastric surgery
- Crohns
- Celiac
- Fish tapeworm
- Autoimmune gastritis (Pernicious anemia) most common cause
- Dx: Anti-intrinsic factor Ab or historically Schilling test
- CBC + peripheral smear (hypersegmented neutrophils)
- Serum B12 Level +/- Folate
- If normal/low-normal but still suspect (eg. macrocytic anemia), consider serum methylmalonic acid (MMA)
- If serum MMA increased, suspect B12 deficiency
- If normal/low-normal but still suspect (eg. macrocytic anemia), consider serum methylmalonic acid (MMA)
- If cause not apparent, consider investigations
- Consider testing for autoantibodies to intrinsic factor
- r/o Crohns, celiac, etc...)
- Vitamin B12 1mg (1000mcg) PO daily
- Lifelong in pernicious anemia
- Consider IM if concerning symptoms, poor compliance, or suspect pernicious anemia
- 1mg weekly x 1 month then monthly IM or deep SC
- Repeat B12 levels in 1-2d if concerning symptoms, or 2-4w if asymptomatic