Breast Lump
- Given a well woman with concerns about breast disease, during a clinical encounter (annual or not):
- Identify high-risk patients by assessing modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors
- Advise regarding screening (mammography, breast self- examination) and its limitations.
- Advise concerning the woman’s role in preventing or detecting breast disease (breast self-examination, lifestyle changes).
- Given a woman presenting with a breast lump (i.e., clinical features):
- Use the history, features of the lump, and the patient’s age to determine (interpret) if aggressive work-up or watchful waiting is indicated.
- Ensure adequate support throughout investigation of the breast lump by availability of a contact resource.
- Use diagnostic tools (e.g., needle aspiration, imaging, core biopsy , referral) in an appropriate manner (i.e., avoid over- or under-investigation, misuse) for managing the breast lump.
- In a woman who presents with a malignant breast lump and knows the diagnosis:
- Recognize and manage immediate and long-term complications of breast cancer.
- Consider and diagnose metastatic disease in the follow- up care of a breast cancer patient by appropriate history and investigation.
- Appropriately direct (provide a link to) the patient to community resources able to provide adequate support (psychosocial support).
- Not a lump
- Prominent rib
- Costochondral junction
- Firm margin at edge of breast
- Defect secondary to previous biopsy
- Lump
- Normal glandular tissue (upper/outer quadrant)
- Fibrocystic changes (25%)
- Nodular nondiscrete tender mass, changes with menses, cyclical or constant pain
- Cancer (10%)
- Infiltrating ductal (most common)
- Infiltrating lobular and inflammatory breast cancer often present with no discrete mass
- Gross Cyst
- Galactocele - milk retention cyst in breasfeeding women
- Fibroadenoma
- Fat necrosis
- Trauma, associated with ecchymosis
Risk for Malignancy
Risk for Malignancy
- Female
- Age >70 (RR 18)
- Prior hx of breast CA
- BRCA1/2 (RR 3-7)
- Prior hx of biopsy (RR 1.7-3.7)
- 1st degree relative with breast CA (RR 2.6)
- Unopposed estrogen
- Bone density - High (RR 2.7-3.5)
- Nulliparity/Age at first birth* >30 (RR 1.9-3.5)
- Menarche<12 (RR 1.5)
- Menopause >55yo (RR 2)
- HRT* (RR 1.2)
- OCP* (RR 1.07-1.2)
- Alcohol* (RR 1.4)
- Radiation (Mantle radiation in Hodgkin's)
- Benign breast disease
Protective factors
Protective factors
- Oophorectomy <35yo (RR 0.3)
- Postmenopause BMI* <22.9 (RR 0.63)
- Exercise* (RR 0.70)
- Parity* ≥5 (RR 0.71)
- Breastfeeding* ≥16mo (RR 0.73)
- Aspirin* ≥weekly for ≥6 mo (RR 0.79)
- Change in breast mass (increase/decrease in size, change in symmetry)
- Changes with menstrual cycle (benign if prominent premenstrual and regress during follicular phase)
- Skin changes
- Nipple discharge
- New (acquired) nipple inversion
- Benign (ectasia)
- Central, symmetric, transverse slit with normal areola
- Malignant
- Asymmetrical, areola changes, flattened nipple, varied nipple position
- Benign (ectasia)
Physical Exam
Physical Exam
- Inspection with arms by side, raised above head, pressing on hips leaning forward
- Regional lymph nodes
- Cervical, supraclavicular/infraclavicular, axillary, mammary chain
- Skin changes
- Ecchymosis/erythema
- Peau d'orange
- Ulceration
- Dimpling/retraction
- Nipple/Areolar changes
- Discharge/crusting
- Inversion/retraction
- Breast Mass
- Obvious/Subtle
- Well-defined/Nondiscrete margins
- Density - Soft/Firm/Hard
- Mobile/Fixed to chest wall or skin
- Tender/Non-Tender
Initial management
Initial management
- Feature of cancer (hard irregular fixed mass, palpable ipsilateral nodes, peau d'orange)
- Mammography, U/S, core biopsy, breast surgeon referral
- Benign
- Ultrasound or initial aspiration to differentiate between cystic vs. solids lesions
- Triple Test:
- Clinical exam, Imaging, Non-excision biopsy (FNAC/Core)
- Any abnormal result requires surgical referral +/- further investigation
- Clinical exam, Imaging, Non-excision biopsy (FNAC/Core)
- First-line Imaging
- <35yo or Pregnancy/Lactation - Ultrasound*
- Mammography in all age groups if suspicious findings
- 35-50yo - Mammography + Ultrasound
- >50yo - Mammography
- <35yo or Pregnancy/Lactation - Ultrasound*
- Follow-up
- Reassess benign masses that change or persist
- Women 50-74yo routine mammography q2-3y (weak recommendation)
- Benefits:
- Reduces absolute risk of death from breast cancer by 0.13-0.22%
- Risks:
- False positive mammogram 20-25%
- Unnecessary breast surgery 0.5%
- Benefits:
- Clinical breast examination and Breast self-examination has not been shown to provide benefit (no reduction in mortality) and good evidence of harm (RR1.5 for benign biopsy)
- Consider genetics referral if risk factors present
- Personal Hx Breast CA ≤ 40 or Ovarian CA at any age
- Fam Hx Breast CA ≤ 50
- Consider Gail Model for Breast Cancer risk in women ≥ 35yo with risk factors
- UpToDate
- CRICO 2014.
- CMAJ 2011.
- CMAJ 2010.
- Australian Gov 2006.